originally posted in:Mjolnir Battle Tactics
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Thought we could have one, since more members of MBT are starting to play. You know how these things work.
For those that don't know or are interested, league of legends is a free online game where you fight in arenas on teams, trying to destroy the enemy base. Its that RTS-styled field of view, but your champion has skills. Its not an RPG, its not an RTS. Its fun. leagueoflegends.com
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTvc_9BoGw] Epic Push in a 4v5 match by Me and Dan and Theo[/url]
[Edited on 01.14.2012 11:54 AM PST]
I have done a few more games as him. His passive is cool I guess. Getting slowed takes it away though. His Q doesnt do amazing damage, but you can spam it so much, and it has slightly longer range than your attacks, so I have gotten kills with it just barely. His W is cool, and can heal you a lot in teamfights. But kinda sucks as a "sustain" skill. The damage on it is small. His E is really fun, and does a huge amount of damage, especially while jungling. His Ult is very situational. You can't really use it in the middle of combat, it just doesnt feel right. Its best used exactly like Shyvanas ult. I think my favourite moment playing him so far is the enemy team was doing dragon, so we quickly did baron. They didn't have it warded, so we were able to do it safely. We then sat in the baron-side-river-mid-lane bush and their team walked into mid lane, and we waited, planning our ambush. I turned on my E, charged right into their entire team with my ult, scrambling them so my carries could get better angles on their carries, and I just chased down their Hecarim for the ace.