Alright I see your point. Personally I don't mind you guys coming in here. I mean obviously I like Destiny or I wouldn't be named what I am but as long as things don't get out of hand I don't mind you guys/gals coming in here for a little relaxation and discussion. Just no stupid arguments please or My friend fletch here will take care of the problem.
Edited by Konig Wolf XZ: 8/23/2014 2:33:35 AMWell then that was simple..and speaking of the id like that problem solving to be kept..civil..and only resort to violence if its required
I can respect that. Welcome to the Floodzone!
Excellent- smiles showcasing my mouthful of sharp teeth and reachs out my hand glad to see your far more flexable then instacode now onto the contract
Annnddd we're back to square one... *pulls out dual straight swords* I think it'd be best if you leave.
Edited by Konig Wolf XZ: 8/23/2014 3:01:52 AMRelax its just to authorize the office's backing of your bar to supply you with better liquor and such as well as pay for any needed construction and for the teeth..ive always had'em..always freak people out i dont know why..
I'm not one for contracts. We're not low on money and we can get whatever you need and repairs have become a specialty of ours, so in short no contract. If you want in just come in and be civil or don't come in at all. *puts away swords* We can be civil too. So now with all that out of the way welcome once again to the Floodzone.
Very well-contract disintegrates but makes another attempt at a handshake-just to make it official
Well Fletch has insisted on a contract so I'm letting him make one. Once he's got it made then you have a deal. Until then just keep it civil and keep destiny blabber to a minimum and we'll be good! *shakes hand*
Well its time for me to go clock out ill swing by tomorrow to take a look at the contract fletch draws up till then have nice night-gets up and leaves-
Agreed -checks watchs-almost time to clock out
Whats your version of "mature"?
You played the beta..correct? Just answer ill explain
Yeah. I did play the beta. what of it?
Edited by UlcaM: 8/23/2014 2:27:28 AM42 hours in 5 days. Yeah I played it
Did you guys enjoy it?
Hated every second... Of course I enjoyed it. I spent 42 hours on it
Well the mature destinians are just like you the enjoy it but have been forced out of #destiny by the juveniles there
You want a hangout then?
Of course..a place w...i mean they can be free from the ones you floodians have pegged desticles
Ah... Yeah I don't care if you guys are here. The thing is, The Traveler made this place. He/She (I don't know) makes the decision
I know why do you think i came to talk to them
Edited by UlcaM: 8/23/2014 2:49:50 AMLol, guy where I'm from you'd better get to the point or get off the porch. From what I see here, its nearly the same. If you got a legitimate question, come right out and ask it, don't beat around the bush. (Your a guy right...?)
With this being the flood i had to tread carefully in this situation (yup)