Just another survey to help me determine just how broken the Flood is, and how much work needs to be done on it.
Edited by Verbatim: 8/21/2014 4:56:55 AMSecret option C: Independent who chooses not to use broad labels to summarize his political convictions.
Edited by Deleted User: 8/22/2014 7:26:07 AMPorch Emperor pls. [spoiler]Dead freakin' centre[/spoiler]
option c: neither I don't bother with politics.
I like my country. Does that answer your question?
I don't care.
Middle. It depends on the issue. Though I'll likely be voting for more Democrats than Republicans. That is not to say I agree with everything the Democrats propose.
none, believe the world should burn and watch humanity show itself to what it truly is =3
Im in the middle
Until im making money in a good career, Ill be left. But when I get a career and make money, I'll probably shift over to the right.
Can i keep the money i make without it being stolen?
Edited by FoxTrottts: 8/21/2014 11:37:17 AM[i] [/i]
I send to lean left on more issues, but I lean farther on the issues on which I lean right.
I'm a money-whoring leftist.
Hey! I'm on here!
A survey is supposed to be unbiased. By slandering one side you make the poll unfair.
I guess I'm for lesser government and freedom for the people which makes me a money grubbing idiot.
Well, now we all know who wants pot legalized.
Only 2 options?
I fall right in certain issues then back on left or middle for others. When it comes to economics and tax policy, I go right. Gay marriage? I don't care. Abortion? As long as tax payers don't have to pay, I don't care. (Raised catholic, odd)
No option for "OP is 12"?? For shame. - Der
What about centre? Not everyone is left or right wing.
Implying it's a double-ended axis and that simple.
Right side I should be able to keep money I earned
[i] [/i]
Edited by lefty famalam: 8/21/2014 11:25:17 AM[b] [/b]