Well guys... It seems we've run out of patrons... I now pronounce this to be our hang out and screw everyone else.
*Raises glass*
I don't care if no one but us is in here it was still a heck of time!
We should make a group that plays games together, along with a new thread at some point.
Agreed, I'm already friends on Xbox with a couple people here already, but what if there's some here who don't have an Xbox/playstation. We'd all need to be on the same console, how could we work that out?
We should all go to PC. Because PC MASTER RACE! But honestly PC gaming is pretty cheap .
The only game I have on my laptop is Minecraft and I don't even play it. Hm. I really need more games to play.
No, I'm fine on my 360 thanks. [spoiler]PCs are more expensive than a console initially and I just don't have the kind of cash to get a good gaming rig/laptop.[/spoiler]
They are really expensive, I think the majority of us own a 360. So that might be the fairest choice.
What game?
Whatever anyone has I guess, you know like reach or 4. Or some other common multiplayer game we might all have.
Edited by WORKSHOPWIZARD : 8/22/2014 7:44:31 AMI guess that to, I have it, or i don't know gta v or something even though the servers are dying on that game.
Server death, that sucks.
Ya, either their servers have only like a few or no people on them.
PC GTA will be fun.
Going to get the remastered edition?
I'll probably get it for my xbone.
The thing a old gtx 480 beats out?
I think it's fine[spoiler]big screen advantage [/spoiler]
I can hook my PC up to a tv with Hdmi. I would prefer DisplayPort, but I have the hdmi cables on hand so....
Oh I was just kidding anyways, I would like my own PC but I just can't afford a decent one right now, saving up for other things.
Like drugs? Or hookers? Or drug hookers?
Edited by WORKSHOPWIZARD : 8/22/2014 8:15:57 AMNo, of course not, I'm going to buy some upcoming games, upgrade some stuff, then I'll start looking into some laptops or a PC.[spoiler]one of them could be hookers ;)[/spoiler]