Wednesday is a member from B.old. He was known to PM very explicit things to users. It's a great honor to get one from the original Wednesday. Except I think we got an imposter PM. :/
Well, I'm gonna go ahead and pretend it is the real Wednesday. It's an achievement that way. I could do with one of those. I'm gonna put it in a jar. *jars achievement* Everyone ok with that?
I don't know? Seems his ban or something was just lifted. His most recent activity is from July of 2013.
Once again, I don't know if it's the real one or an imposter.
IDK but I shot him
Fair play... I've been looking for you... *slides final bottle of bactashine* Someone hooked me up with this earlier. It's yours, use it only in an emergency. Shit is far too much for me. I'm working on some other, safer more healing concoctions right now anyways....
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つTHANK YOU!!!༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ