I want answers posted as well.
I've only gone 85 mph.
EDIT: [url=http://www.metric-conversions.org/speed/kilometers-per-hour-to-miles-per-hour.htm]For those who use kilometers.[/url]
I've been in a 4G negative dive with a MiG-28.
Got my minivan to 115 mph. #2fast4u
Got into 4th gear, went 60km/h.
105mph on my Pontiac with 177k miles on it. The car has had a lot of problems over the years and I'm scared something will screw up if I try that again.
103mph in a '99 honda accord bitches
135 mph
About 110 during the labor of my first child, we were still to late for her to get an epidural so she went natural.
This poll would have worked better if you included KPH, seeing as it's used by 99% of the world.
Only about 50kph, or 30 mph.
OP is an undercover cop
Nice try local police. I always go the speed limit.
I've driven 88mph in a DeLorean once.
Went about 95. With 250k miles I don't like to push my car that hard.
I ontd rivde bcesaue oto lod os on
Around 110mph
About 140. Couldn't tell because I had the needle buried.
161. Italian sports bike.
The fastest ive ever driven and the fastest ive been a passenger are two wayyyy different numbers. Ive driven 95 before but i was a passenger when me and my friends "raced" some newb and went 130. Now that was a stupid (fun) idea that i will never do again.
I've never gone over like 90 :/