What would you do to own, a real, firing DMR? Or other weapon for a video game? Cause I plan to start a startup which will do exactly that.
Hmm, I have no way to cancel that.... anyways, I'm switching over to Kickstarter instead, i'll have that up eventually.
[quote]Hmm, I have no way to cancel that.... anyways, I'm switching over to Kickstarter instead, i'll have that up eventually.[/quote]Are you sure your paper and cardboard gun can handle live ammunition?
I would want an energy sword or a sentinel beam
A real halo shotgun be much better.
ITT: kids comparing video game guns to real life guns
I'd prefer a BR over a DMR
why did you switch to kickstarter? because no one funded your gofundme? Kickstarter's community which I am quite active in, needs even more proof of concept and fabrication skill to find backers. I was actually trying to help you previously, your word of mouth "I can make this" isn't going to suit you well when it comes to crowd funding.
Have you actually made prototypes of any weapons to show on kickstarter?
I'd kill a man. In fact I'd kill you for a Klondike Bar. Haha! But I would probably want Starfang from Dragon Age.
I want to dual wield Scarab Guns IRL and just spin around in circles and shoot them both into the air
The halo shotgun is real its just banned in about almost every country in the world
Edited by Jaaake AU: 8/15/2014 9:42:58 PMIsn't the DMR in Reach already real? Or at least heavily inspired by a real weapon. I forget what model it is though. You should google it. Same goes for the sniper Might be the RFB
ITT: Smartasses who think OP is dumb for calling DMRs "fictional weapons", when it's quite obvious that he was using it as a loose term for the M395 from Reach.
>mfw OP thinks DMR is a fictional Halo weapon.
kek DMRs already exist
If I had the knowledge and the tools I would love to make firing replicas of human Halo weapons.
Must correct weapon ignorance A dmr is a designated marksman rifle and a br is a battle rifle but technically they are both a form of assault rifle. Neither are a form of machine gun and not all fully automatic weapons can be counted as machine guns
DMR's are real.
I'm getting the impression you don't actually know what DMRs are...
Edited by joibasta: 8/15/2014 8:21:54 PMI could have sworn the DMR is a little longer.
Best gun ever made.
They already exist. I know somebody who has an older one.
I want a real battle rifle.
- Der
First off, you say you're building the M395 DMR, but you have the M392 DMR pictured. =/
Okay .... But whats to stop me buying a REAL REAL DMR like this
inb4 MS shuts this down