I could honestly care less either way about proximity chat, but I would like a clan voice comm channel, at the very least in the tower, at the very most clan voice comms no matter what mode each individual member is in. I'm also hoping we will get some explore missions that allow for more than 1 fireteam/3 people. We have a close knit bunch at R1P, and durimg the beta we regularly had enough people on to fill a tower server plus some. Would like to be able to take that party to free roam.
I am not worried about clan chat. PS and XBox both have party chat, pretty much already a clan feature already made.
Edited by DunkMujunk: 8/13/2014 11:57:14 AMPS3 has a party chat that can support up to and over 20+ people? Edit- http://community.us.playstation.com/t5/PlayStation-General/Sony-finally-admits-Party-chat-Cross-Game-Voice-Chat-isn-t/td-p/36260483 My post stands, I would like to see an in game clan voice comm system.