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Edited by Aura : 8/9/2014 10:30:45 AM

So, Your Beta Guardian is now dead. But how did it die?

Let's try and lighten up the forums a little bit, shall we? Tell us all the story of how your Guardian died! Their final moments.. What were they doing? What were they thinking? So to get the ball rolling... MY Guardian died after trying to get it on with that big ol' handsome Fallen, y'know, the one that jumped on the car? Yeah.. needless to say it didn't end well. TL;DR. Don't spank a fallen.

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  • They got assimilated

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  • My Exo merely rusted when he fell in the water in the Forgotten Shores. My Human is still trapped with the Ogres. My Awoken went to sleep and ironically did not wake up.

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    • I went underground where the unkown level fallen were and tried to kill them while i still had time.

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    • [quote]So, Your Beta Guardian is now dead. [/quote] [quote]Let's try and lighten up the forums a little bit, shall we?[/quote] Huh.

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    • It was just a little after dawn, the Guardian had been out of city for two weeks...investigating strange Hive activity on the surface near the launching pad in old russia. He was tired, restless, angry. He'd been out for two weeks and found nothing, no destruction, no hive, no fallen... He looked around, not one fallen "hmm, that's strange" Using his instinct, he assumed it was a trap, so carefully he made his way to the launch pad. Deciding not to use his sparrow, "better to stay quiet" He thought. As he made his way towards the launch pad, he saw activity, a battle. Hive and Fallen were in all out war with each other, and it looked liked this would be one of the bloodier one's. "Oh well, I don't mind crashing a few parties" he said to himself. Summoning his sparrow, he sped towards the battle, weaving in and out of plane wreckage, dogding stray plasma beams and implosive grenades. As he came closer, he jumped up and brought his feet up to his seat, hands still on the accelerator, he leaped forward, the sparrow flying straight into fallen and hive. The Guardian brought his fist down to the ground and a bright blue ball of energy expaneded everywhich way, destroying any life in it's wake. It seems he was right was a trap. To lure a Guardian out and destroy him. They knew he'd come, they were waiting. For all at once, plasma beams and grenades came raining down at him, blocking out the sun. He looked up, took a breath, summoned his sparrow and sped away. The drop ships were already there, chasing him, dropping more and more fallen. Plasma cannon rounds blowing dirt and debris all around him. One lucky shot his is turbine, and put his sparrow out of commission. He was thrown off, into a rock. His vision dark and hazy, he saw it. The Captain, barrel aimed straight at the guardians forehead. He wasn't going to cheat death this time. He had hoped he did what he could for the light, for earth, for the galaxy. He had hoped it was enough....then everything went dark. The Guardian lay motionless, his ghost lay beside him, The darkness had won once more, but the war was not had only just begun.

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    • Bungie members stuffed my titan in a trash bag and threw him out. It was so sad... (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)

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    • He retired

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    • My warlock died in the middle of old Russia fighting hoards of the hive singing his death song till the nova bomb usage caused a power influx and blew himself up with part of St Petersburg. My hunter died due to a sniper round to the head for sneaking into the lady hunters changing best I could come with

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    • He took an arrow to the kne... oh wait wrong game he lost his humanit... wrong game again darn, he died at the mercy of the purple ball

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      3 Replies
      • He got hit with an old Nokia phone and turned into neon dust

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      • My Guardian was shot by Clint Eastwood while Morgan Freeman narrated it. 'Twas beautiful.

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      • Throwing knife to the knee

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        • My Ghost summoned my Sparrow inside my body...

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          • Mine Hunter is still ticking, but my Warlock went out on the toilet when he vagaled out lmao

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          • He got close to the world border...

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          • Edited by Big Back, Eater of Worlds: 8/10/2014 9:09:13 PM
            Punched an ogre in the balls. #fistofhavoc #scrambledeggs

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            • Beta deletion. [spoiler]spanked a hive. Not a fallen. [/spoiler]

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            • Edited by DemonLord1910: 8/11/2014 3:00:44 AM
              Don't you know.. Guardians never die.. They just go missing in action..

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            • My Titan was rock jumping from Rock to Rock exploring is what he loved the most. He jumped a little to far and hit the ground and died instantly. I'm not sad he didn't feel it as it was a quick ending. He died doing what he was passionet about.

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            • My Titan and Hunter were killed by my Warlock... But my Warlock died differently. See, he was engaging the Fallen Walker in a strike and decided to rodeo it, got bucked to the last level with the final boss, who proceeded to force grab him (like the Diadict did with the Chief) and drain his Light from his body. He will be missed.

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            • Well my ghost was aggravating me one day so I kept jumping off the side of the tower so he had to keep reviving me. After a while I suppose he decided it wasn't worth it and stopped. So to all of the guardians who are hunting for all the dead ghosts, there's at least one more out there now

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            • He got splattered across he pavement by a semi truck

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              • Sheila did it.

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                • My Guardian awoke on a very large mining barge with a small crew of others in cryostasis. Only, they were all awoken early because of an alarm on the ship. Why? Some asshole xenomorph decided to hitch a ride, made some girl pregnant, popped out of her stomache, spit out nasty acid, and ate nearly everyone on board. During the final showdown my Guardian got into a robotic load lift machine and was all like "Get away from her, you Bitch!" But alas, her nova bomb just wasn't enough. TLDR: Nerf xenomorphs.

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                  • Edited by Afrolicious: 8/11/2014 8:39:43 AM
                    Well, it's pretty difficult to recall, as it was absolutely horrible. Oh well, here goes.. My Titan, Petunia, just finished buying the new armor and weapons she's had her eye on for quite some time. Oh how she loved to shop... She donned them with such grace and happiness. You could see her aura as she triumphantly prepared to warp to her ship, that smile on her face is still in my head.. burned into my memory. The last I would ever see.. "Ahhh...! I feel invincible!" Petunia exclaims as she prepares to head for Old Russia. After her timely trip to the target location she goes to her room located in the rear of her ship. She finds her mirror and stares at her reflection. "Damn.. I look so cute in this! ;)" she says to herself. "No one can stop me!." She warps down to the location she designated in Old Russia and looks around and to the horizon. "Better get to work!" Petunia loved to explore the world. She knew Old Russia like the back of her hand, or so she thought as she stumbled onto a structure half destroyed. "I don't think I've seen this before.. Better check it out! I might find some rare loot! :D" She defiantly walks in and notices some stairs leading to a dark underground area she has no recollection of ever seeing. "Uhh.. maybe I shouldn't go alone- pssht! What am I saying?? I'm a Titan and I just bought this new 'rare' armor! I'm invincible!" Ohhh how wrong she was.. Petunia began creeping down the stairs. She began to hear the sounds of screeching and growling of something.. something, that she has never heard before. Yet she continues on. She reaches the bottom of the stairs, walked down the hallway and turned the corner... Chills began to run down the back of her neck and her stomach began to feel heavy. She's instantly become terrified as a huge beast came within inches of her face. A Hallowed Knight. She regained enough composure to jump back and arm herself with her new weapon. She empties the clip into the Hallowed Knight but to no avail. With every bullet strike her HUD in her visor flashed 'Immune' over and over. She's stricken with massive fear. "I- I... I have to run..!" She cries. Tears running down Petunia's innocent face. Her body won't respond. She's petrified. The Hallowed Knight slowly walks towards her knowing his next kill is right in front of him. Petunia drops her rifle due to her muscles in her fingers instantly weakening. She can't move. It's getting closer and closer until he is right in front of her. He stares at her, then drops his massive sword. Petunia begins to feel some relief after seeing that. "Oh thank Go- AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She screams as her left arm is ripped from her body. The Hallowed Knight laughs as he shakes the limb in front of Petunia's face, blood spilling on her visor forcing her to take her helmet off. She falls back as she slips on the pool of blood she's making as her left socket drains it all over the ground. She's crying and holding her right hand over her face to protect herself. "AHHHHHHH-HA-huuuuh...!!!!" It's ripped from her body as well. She's beginning to pass out from shock as well as the blood loss, but not before looking up one last time. The Hallowed Knight grabs her head by each side of her face and picks her up off of the ground. She remembers her childhood, adolescence, beginning of her adulthood, friends, family, lovers.... It's the end. She starts to feel extreme pressure on her head as the knight begins to squeeze her head. "A-a-ahhh- *SPLAT!*......................." her skull was crushed as her eyes popped out. Her head juiced her brain out of her eye sockets, nose and mouth and chunkily fell to the floor. She was dropped next to her limbs and was just left there. Her ghost laying next to her, floating in her pool of blood and her mutilated body. It went offline, as if they were both connected. To this day.. As I am telling you this tragic story, she still lays there, donning her new armor.. I'll miss you Petunia!!! You and your smile!! :'( And that's how my Titan died.

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                    • I was fighting the unbeatable ogre and then the beta ended right after I #gotrekt

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