What is the most severe injury you've received in your life?
Mine happened when I was a toddler, something or other ripped through the lower part of my mouth and my mother had to sew it up. Now I have two nifty lil' scars on my bottom lip :D
What severe physical (or even mental) injuries have you attained in your life! I'd really love to know!
When I was around 5-6 I had a pencil and I tore off layers of my skin to the flesh of my hand, I broke my leg when I was 2-3 while having a piggyback ride with my dad, he tripped down the stairs cuz of my dogs and my leg slammed against the stairs breaking it, and last summer I tripped at a camp and broke my toe, I was riding my bike and fell of of it and the handle slammed into my chest, and my bikes chain fell of while I was riding real fast and it fell and my leg hit the ground and my leg was on the pedal and my bike literally spun on the ground, tearing up the side of my leg. These all happened over time and they are not in order