What is the most severe injury you've received in your life?
Mine happened when I was a toddler, something or other ripped through the lower part of my mouth and my mother had to sew it up. Now I have two nifty lil' scars on my bottom lip :D
What severe physical (or even mental) injuries have you attained in your life! I'd really love to know!
One time when i was like 5, I got a brand new freshly sharpened Spiderman pencil. So I carried it around with me for the rest of the night cuz it was freakin awesome. Then my friend said he wanted to race, so I accepted cause I ain't no wuss. We race and towards the end I trip and impale myself with my pencil. To this day (I'm 17 now) there's a little grey circle under my skin where the tip of the pencil broke off inside me.