According to a relative who works for Microsoft in the xbox live department, teabagging in video games can be considered harassment. So do not teabag me or I will file a report. Enjoy your bans noobs.
So ur on xbone good I'm on ps4. See u never lol
Hundreds of thousands of sperm and this is the one that made it????
quit being a panzy
My body is ready....
I just printed this post out and teabagged it. Getting started early.
The hologram in Halo: Reach is will automatically teabag if it walks over a dead enemies body. Calm down, it's happening.
Enjoy my teabags.
U must have proof of the so called teabag hope u enjoy your Irish tea's
- according to a (most likely fake) relative, tea-baggers will get banned...sure. And might I ask how anyone can prove you were getting tea bagged? I doubt that bungie records every game played so that they can go back and verify that one person tea bagged another... If video evidence did appear then one could say... "I accidentally pressed circle", or "I was trying to sit down beside your dead body" or "I was not tea bagging you, your wizard was using force pull on my nuts." In any case I see no reason to believe without a doubt that tea bagging occurred.
I won't teabag you..... I'll dance on your Corpse.
Grow up kid. If you're that upset over teabagging you won't last a second in the 'real world'.
Edited by AristonSparta: 8/6/2014 6:28:16 PMI'm still gonna do it, whiney troll bag
I will teabag you
....dip ...dip .......potato ...chip.
[i]Earl Grey, coming your way~[/i]
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have glimmer. But what I do have are a very particular set of skillz, skillz I have acquired over a very long PvP career. Skillz that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my teammate live now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will [i]teabag[/i] you.
Itis a rare occurance among the bungie community but it is a shame that your experiences in life have let it bother you. My advice as a guy with a short fuse is to run them over with something big and heavy. Or blow them up in a stupidly large explosion. It will make you feel better.
<- PS player. Gunna enjoy teabagging you boy~
Just do what I do. Tell friends, team up, kill them, tea bag. Rinse and repeat until the game's over.
You do realize that you can't get banned for tea bagging???
The simple solution is: don't let them kill you.
If you actually did report them, Bungie would just laugh. But knowing M$ they would ban you for teabagging while they ignore the guy going under the map and killing everyone.
It has already been stated that teabagging can be considered sexual harassment, but this is Destiny, not Halo (though it may be hard to tell) and they gave you a button to dance. And dancing on top of your corpse in the game is not harassment.
Do you prefer Lipton? Or shall give you some Snapple Half and half? [spoiler]I will give you tea[/spoiler]