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Hello fellow Guardians!!! I have a VERY exciting announcement here about something that we have been working on for a while now. With the release of Destiny just over a month away this is the perfect time to really get excited about not only the game, but the future of StarSide Echoes and the rest of the community.
CLASH OF THE GUARDIANS, the ultimate PVP competition in Destiny. ALL are welcome to join but only that the elite will excel in. It will start with a regular season that will have each team facing each other to get a "seed" going into a tournament that will work much like the NCAA tournament in college basketball, winner take all.
This will be the TOP competition in all of Destiny and will not only feature teams from SSE but from all of the Destiny community. There are rules that are being written governing how teams will be made and how they will operate and also how Matches will be scored. ALL of that will be made available to everyone so that the community can weigh in on how it will operate.
One key component of THE CLASH OF THE GUARDIANS is that it will be Destiny specific. Meaning things that apply to the competitive scene in other games such as Call of Duty won't apply. This will celebrate all that is great about Destiny while rewarding those who not only venture into the wild for great gear but also for those that play PVP almost exclusively. More on that soon as well.
Anyways Guardians, spread the word and go ahead and start compiling your teams. Teams will need a designated TEAM LEADER and can have up to 9 members including the TEAM LEADER (9 so that each team can have substitutes). Team members CANNOT be on multiple teams. This is to prevent cheating and “stacking” the Tournament. TEAM LEADERS will eventually be asked to create their own group on Bungie.net and link it to the Official Bungie group and also on the official CLASH OF THE GUARDIANS website (once it’s up and running).
We are operating under the assumption that there will be Private Matches. There has been no announcement on this one way or the other.
Here’s the rules and how the scoring will work FOR NOW. Nothing is final, yet. As we approach launch things will begin to finalize but everyone will be kept in the loop on what does.
RULES: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pxvM7y_fmMun3iRLDb4OmxoVqVVOdjklSHEo01mysqc/edit?usp=sharing
SCORING (for Control only): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jGgENyA0Z91dLZMpcTKOsBUnn1SvwEZXCdVXLjEXHWI/edit?usp=sharing
There’s a lot more to cover but these are the basics. Tell your friends and get start to get your teams together for the ULTIMATE DESTINY COMPETITION.
Firstly OP, I am afraid this is a situation which won't work based on the current criteria we have assembled. The rules specifically state that teams must compete against one another in a crucible match.This cannot be done. We do not yet know if Bungie plans to include private match settings. There's a few other things, but I don't have the time to type them all out. Great idea, but you'll have to go back to the drawing board on this one...