My only legitimate problem with my xbone so far is they don't have voice messaging anymore. Why did they get rid of such a simple good feature? Typing messages with a controller sucks, and tweaking your mic becomes a little ridiculous. You have to add voice over to saved game clips or even start a twitch stream and watch it on your cell phone. Actually I thought of another one. Why does the xbone not have the feature in settings to turn off controller rumble like the 360? I haven't come across a game that doesn't have that setting yet but when it happens I will be pretty pissed.
My next problem is for both consoles. Why are neither companies enticing people to make the plunge? Games keep coming out for last and next gen. Master Chief Collection is the first title for xbox finally almost a year since it was released. Ps4 gets Last of Us remastered (Good game but hardly worth spending the cash for a new console). Why are they so timid?
I got my xbox as a Christmas gift last year from my wife. If that wouldn't have happened I definitely wouldn't have bought it until this Christmas season. It hasn't gotten as much use this year as it should have.
Simple, both previous gens are still selling, and selling well. You don't cancel something that is making money.
That and the previous generation of systems never really ran their full lifespan. This generation of consoles was actually a year or 2 earlier than it should have been.
Nah, the 10 year lifecycle was always just a marketing myth. 5 - 6 years is as long as any console needs.
Its not just the years, they hadn't really even pushed the last generation to their limits yet. At least not as far as the Xbox and PS2 were. I'm glad the 4 came out, don't get me wrong, especially with all the problems that the 3's split processor caused.
Because they are dirt cheap. Why buy an obsolete system that won't have online support in 2-3 years.
Hey I up graded to a PS4, but the OP asked why Sony and MS weren't pushing the next gens as hard. 360 and PS3 are still making money. They wouldn't just turn off the revenue stream.