I usually play as a healer in most mmos. And in borderlands I played as the siren, which was the only class with healing abilities. Will this game have a class which can be geared towards healing your party/raid?
This game isn't just an mmo it's a mixture of multiple types of games, Destiny doesn't really fit into any category of game
Warlock / Titan Defender
Edited by FUS10NxART: 8/5/2014 3:37:38 AMHealing is for noobs go away with such retarded ideas.
Hail hydra!!!!
Be Titan. Drop shield. Heal.
Edited by Sekij: 8/5/2014 1:02:08 AMThe Solar Warlock has some healer style abbilitys... well its a great support. http://www.destinydb.com/calculator/talents Got to Sunsinger
The warlocks second subclass sunsinger is probably the closest you will get
The problem is you recover health so quickly that a healer is really not necessary.
One of my friends thought the warlocks grenade healed allies. That would be cool if it did, and extra confusing during PvP (which I am for, actually).
I wish there was a healing class.. That would be dope. Warlock isn't even close..
Some hots or dampers would have been cool.
As others have said, unfortunately the Sunsinger class as it is right now, given the skill tree, doesn't seem like it has a lot of support features like people thought it would. I thought it would be cool if they had AOE grenades that gave buffs, and/or if you melee'd an ally, it would buff them as well. What kind of skills would you like to see?
Your health regenerates 5 seconds after you hide............no healer needed...
I believe the Titan Defender Subclass can be set to give your team a shield when they walk through the Ward of Dawn. Thats as close as you get I think.
Nope, not that we know of. [b]However[/b], there might be gear that changes an ability to heal others, as ability-changers have been spotted in gear.
Edited by FairlySplendid: 8/4/2014 3:52:38 PMARPG shooters are a little different than traditional MMOs. You'll want to equip a defensive sub-class on your character. That's about as close are going to get.
The closest thing I can think of to a healer would be the defender class of Titan. Due to the lack of a true healing class the closest you could get is damage prevention which is achieved by the defender's shield bubbles. As for Sunsinger, in not sure why anyone is considering this the "healer" class as the only skill that you have that affects other friendly players is an upgrade for radiance that reduces allies cool downs.
I hope there will be a class with healing abilities. I would play as a healer/support.
The gameplay is a tad fast for a healing archetype to be truly satisfying. Unfortunately healing in general tends to be pretty binary, either it isn't useful enough and it's underused, or it's useful and it becomes incredibly dominant as a result.
You can't heal but Sunsinger can revive yourself and PROBABLY others
Locks will, I'll be playing as an SS with You, fellow Guardian, Healers Unite!
Use the warlock subclass sunslinger
Would be nice if you had a class that could revive in the crucible
A ranged revival like Maya from Borderlands 2 would be pretty awesome. Healing is pretty quick though so I don't think there needs to be more then that.
Edited by Six2Fall: 8/4/2014 2:23:28 AMDestiny is not a f'ing MMO. It doesn't have the standard archetypes nor are they needed. Basically with Destiny everyone will need to be a Damage Dealer and a Healer (reviver) and a Tank at different points.