originally posted in:Hunters of Destiny
Hey guys, this is a place for all you Xbox guys to share your gamertags. My gamertag is HoD Deadeye. I look forward to playing destiny with you, guardians. See ya on the Frontier! (gamertags only. this is not a place for group advertising, if you advertise your post will be deleted)
Add me... xb1. Gt= HaK SLaPSHoT x .... top 100 in beta ... just looking for some ppl.to play with.... add and.message me
Xbox One GT: EE DevilHunter See you on the battlefield guardians.
Gt is name
Mine is :Kit N Kaboodle2
Mines WolfPackX22. Lol.
Geting the game om launch. Epic287 juan is my gamer tag with the space btw. I played the beta and decided to be a warlock and chances are a future sunsinger.
Hey GT (xbox 360) Dorito Destroya CLASS (human,male) Hunter
Edited by Thanassi: 8/31/2014 1:07:40 PMReally excited for the launch. I'll be twitch streaming all day of launch and will be playing heavily for weeks to come. Join me on Xbox One or watch. GT: [url=https://account.xbox.com/en-US/Profile?gamerTag=thanassi]thanassi[/url] Clan: [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/138228]AoE[/url] Twitch: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/thanassi360]thanassi360[/url] See you on the battlefield.....
HMU people GT:itzB0y0jay
Already got the game pre downloaded on Xbox one Gamertag is networkdp
Edited by Björland: 8/16/2014 4:02:56 AMConsole: Xbox 360 GT: Mr Sqeakerz Age: 18 Time zone: EDT Gameplay Style: Casual/Competitive mix Social: Slow down there cowboy, let's not rush a quality acquaintanceship. Edit: If you add me, if you could reply to this to help me identify people, that would be great, thanks. :D
Xbox 360: commander kada playing hunter bladedancer subclass once i've unlocked it. i'd like to find a balanced fireteam then moving on to raids
Xbox 360: Blitzer Fixer Playing Titan Looking for a strike team for the midnight release for a couple hours and friends in general!
Xbox 360 gt: contra prodigy I have no clan and just looking for good raid group
XBOX ONE GT: Sixsantavirus Have two days off of work for release hit me up! Lol
My gt is my name
GT: KeepingHellboy Console: Xbox 360 Clan: Fireteam Evergreen Recruitment: Message KeepingHellboy
If you are on Xbox 1 check out Frontier Fighters. We are a clan aimed at older players looking to always have the option of playing with others whether looking for a competitive or casual experience. For more info follow the link. http://www.bungie.net/en/clan/159438 If you would like to play a game with some members first add me on live my gt is CowardBigfoot and I will see what I can do.
Whippycornent0 xbox 360 see you planet side units
I'm looking to join a 360 clan who also have to deal with a 9 to 5 job (gmt). This being said I am at work at the moment so I am able to look at updates on the fly. Hoping to find a group of others who are only able to play out of working hours. This way we all start and end around the same time. I'm experienced in raid tactics from games such as anarchy online and WoW. Competent in pvp as it's my favorite.
Gt: EntrePath
GT: Jorymichael
Edited by Fox: 8/22/2014 12:45:00 PMGT: Fox314 On Xbox 360 for now. Will migrate to Xbox One by Destiny's launch (or shortly thereafter). Timezone: EST
Gt. Dragon212134
Voodoo Operator is my GT. Currently on 360 but will move to X1 after the release of Destiny, October hopefully
Mistah D Train I own you noobs