EVERYTHING. Ten letters. 10-3 = 7. There are seven wonders of the word. Wonder has 6 letters. 7-6=1. Earth has one moon. Only one type of flag stands on the moon. It's America's flag. Flag has 4 letters. 4+1=5. The word "am" is apart of everything. Am is 2 letters. 5-2=3. 3 sides on a triangle. Illuminati confirmed to be apart of everything.
k? thats it?
K and three .s
S.S. K. [spoiler]Cam is the captain ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/spoiler]
S. S. K. three letters. Half life 3 confirmed.
Half Life Three was already confirmed at e3 this year. They gave no details regarding it, just "We are making it...eventually"
Eventually. That could be anywhere from next year to 2037
Eventually: 777-7777 A.D.