319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment 1997-2001 75B Personnel Sergeant Warlock/Scout Rifle primary Gamertag: Ha11ywood
Doc trudge
Hunter human
My pops was in the 82nd. I went with the USAF. Never really understood what he did all those years until I was in the military. /salute you sir
What year and with who? (OIF 2/3 & OIF 06-08 325 AIR)
Like the lawn dart name
I was one for 5 years so I might as well live up to it.
I was stationed at Bragg. AF side on pope
5/73 cav 3rd brigade and I was deployed in 09
My second tour was with 1/73 Cav 2BCT. still bothers me to see Stetsons in the 82nd ABN area
Can understand that. I was a medic so I could wear one but I didn't.