I know that in the past Bungie has posted detailed "carnage reports" complete with map images and markers tracking combat locations, kills, and deaths around their maps (a-la Halo 2). I also know that in the most recent few Halo titles, community members have taken it upon themselves to create detailed images of map layouts labeled with accepted callouts for concise areas around the place.
Well I'm bored so I thought I'd try to get some feedback on whether you guys think it'd be cool for Bungie to give us something like this where they label their maps with their own callouts for us to use, whether you'd like for them to re-continue the detailed carnage reports, or even whether you think this is asking too much from our beloved Bungie and we should devise our own callouts.
This should not have been posted as a "question post," and for that I apologize. I'm still rather new to these forums and trying to test out all the options. I don't know what made me derp and click that tickbox.
I've found, with Halo Reach particularly, that the "official" call outs for areas tend to be a bit over-complicated or non-descriptive. The competitive community do a much better job at labelling these areas in my opinion. If you're playing with a regular fireteam it's fun to come up with your own as well. I'm hoping there is some sort of custom game mode so we can run around the maps to explore and learn them for this purpose.
Simple labels friend. Blue Red Plat Mid Open Closed Elbow Top Bottom 1,2 and 3 Etc...