Just curious how many of us are going to be playing Destiny. 37 year old Army vet here -- former 35 series. Playing as Awoken Warlock. Started a PS4 clan called "House of the Risen" with some fellow student veterans at the University of Arizona if anyone is clanless. PSN name is same as here (jthom999).
Edit: Good to see so many of us on here! I'm not a huge gamer, but I'm going to play the crap out of this one. Don't be too surprised to see my name pop up in your friend requests come September!
Edit: I started an alliance called "Military and Veterans", if we want to align our clans. PM me a link to your clan if you want me to invite you to the alliance. I've been inviting clans to the alliance, but this system isn't exactly intuitive for me, so I don't know if you're seeing what I'm intending on your end.
Edit: Looks like they finally got the Alliance inviting crap squared away. Went back and invited all the mil/vet clans that I could find in this thread to the "Military and Veteran Alliance".
USAF Vet, 6 yrs ad, 7 reserve, level 27 hunter, ps4 w mic.
Us army vet 4 years active, 2 reserve on Xbox one just looking for new ppl to play with. Fsg1987 is my gt. Thanks you all for your service to this great county
Edited by Esprit Gold Rims: 10/16/2014 11:14:52 PMUSAF vet here. i have a lvl 20 warlock on the ps4. looking to do strike missions. psn funkmastag2000. im usually on 6:30am - 9 am (est) weekday mornings due to my work schedule.
Xbone army vet here. Looking for a good group of guys to play Destiny with.
27yr Armt vet. 6years 1st cav. Air Assault:) Im on Ps4. Looking for a clan or attempting for figure out how to make one
I didn't know there were so many VETs on here. I joined my current clan due to the General Patton quote it had. Didn't realize it was not really a VET clan but good guys. I'm looking for more VETs to play with and maybe change clans. USAF 11yrs AD now reserves. OEF All vets feel free to add PSN arokosaki702 PS4 Thanks for serving!
US Army active duty. Question is. Is this only for ps4. I'm on XBL
Active duty Airforce. Level 25 warlock. Add me on ps4 : Kanto_Klassic
Active duty Navy FC 29 looking for people to play with when I have time. Currently working upwards of 100 hours a week so I play when I can.
Edited by dillonpt32: 10/11/2014 7:50:13 AMUnited States Navy Vet add dillonpt32 on ps4. I'm extremely addicted to this game and didn't really expect to even like it. Haven't raided yet but would like too spend a lot of time on the crucible. Level 25 Warlock
I am a marine corps veteran. Lvl 27 Titan GT: Destine Conquer. Need help on weekly asap
Navy Vet! New to Destiny and Totally addicted! While I'm not superhuman yet, I would love to group with some pro's to learn, see your skills and have fun :) Lvl 21 Titan ADD ME PS4 xoxo-Bladez-xoxo
Army 68 series Medic. Add me. I'm LVL 20 Titan. Pretty casual but play whenever I can.
PSN devinkc135
Edited by random_task1976: 10/10/2014 7:20:17 PMWould like to join the clan lvl 26 titan working on lvl 9 warlock now. USAF Active play most nights and weekends raids, strikes, or anything else. Looking for team work and having fun. PSN id random_task1976.
I'm in the navy. Airframer. I play on xbox one. Looking for a clan. Gamer tag xXxDaTxNiNjAhxX
In the navy on ps4 looking to do raids on the weekend my id is chacksNtheBOX
Retired AF on ps4 lokking for clan im in maryland so looking for est
Looking for a good clan. Xbox one. Gamertag Good Omen95 US army national guard infantryman.
Army vet looking for a clan ps4 draxir302
I am The Recruiter for Gods of the Arenas. I wanted to share some reasons to join Gods of the Arenas in fighting back the darkness: -Daily Heroic Runs -Weekly Strike Runs -Weekly Nightfall Runs -Daily Strike Playlist Runs -Planet Event Farming -Special Event Farming -Crucible Face Smash Times -Gear/Item Farming -Ghost Hunting -Exploring -Raiding (Coming soon!) Our Clan Requirements: -Be active -Be courteous -Have a Sense of Humor -Microphone -Be on Xbox 360 If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me or visit the link below. On behalf of Gods of the Arenas we appreciate your consideration and wish you the best. http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/453834 *Raiding will be set on weekends, day and time will be set once a full group is established. we need at least 2 more players for a full raid group
11Series reporting in!
Xbox 1 GT ObservantMedal6 Looking for a clan that raids and enjoys the game marine vet Semper Fi
Edited by TastyTugBoat620: 10/2/2014 5:41:50 AMAD USAF 3D0X2. XB1 gamers hit me up. Lvl 27 Hunter here.
If you don't have a clan join mine!!! Goto http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/345689 and apply and become elite ;)
22 year MSgt in the USAF (retiring in 3 months). Running a 26 hunter and my son has a 26 titan.