Just curious how many of us are going to be playing Destiny. 37 year old Army vet here -- former 35 series. Playing as Awoken Warlock. Started a PS4 clan called "House of the Risen" with some fellow student veterans at the University of Arizona if anyone is clanless. PSN name is same as here (jthom999).
Edit: Good to see so many of us on here! I'm not a huge gamer, but I'm going to play the crap out of this one. Don't be too surprised to see my name pop up in your friend requests come September!
Edit: I started an alliance called "Military and Veterans", if we want to align our clans. PM me a link to your clan if you want me to invite you to the alliance. I've been inviting clans to the alliance, but this system isn't exactly intuitive for me, so I don't know if you're seeing what I'm intending on your end.
Edit: Looks like they finally got the Alliance inviting crap squared away. Went back and invited all the mil/vet clans that I could find in this thread to the "Military and Veteran Alliance".
Navy e-3 xboxone lvl 14 Hunter looking to join a group TDK xINFERNOx
Got any XB1 clan started with this? Active duty looking for this type of clan on XB1.
Holdthatdown former army airborne
Army Airbourbe Ranger Karisma9110
USAF E-4. Would really like to group up with other military members. Just got the game last night. Add me if you need someone to watch your back out there and play as a team. Psn - Chaoticspots
Marine PSN- my98stang1 feel free to add me
E4 25 Series - in Hawaii. PSN is BMU_2000 - feel free to add me
Glad to see that bro, and thank you for your service. We have an Xbox One clan with several vets that are looking to group up with others. If you guys are PSN and join this guy, check us out if you're on the XB1. Later. And thanks again jthom999 for all that you've done.
Anyone can join TankkSTARS to meet many friends to do STRIKES and story mode missions! No level restrictions just FUN! PSN:tankker37 add me too! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/260907/0/1/0
jthom999, Did you already start your community? If not, come check out a community with loads of veterans in it. http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/67585083/0/0 We are always looking for Military Veterans.
5 year active army 13F (Fister), Titan class
E-4 usmc corporal. Psn: nismoorion, lvl 24 sunslinger
E-4 Naval Aircrewman. Level 20 hunter Psn = Jesselulz
12 year Navy: Aviation Ordnance Playing as a hunter at level 13. My psn is Nigmagx2 hit me up if you guys want to run together.
Any Vets out there that wanna game with me feel free to add me! PSN: DawgPoundHero Level 25 Titan Former 13F Wooooo! Drop 5-0 and fire for effect!!!
5 yrs Army reserve vet...love this game
4Yr Marine, Reserves atm. Student at Wilbur Wright in Chicago. Anyone Chicago vets here
Edited by XxSeraphim13xX: 9/14/2014 7:37:43 AM8 years Army, OIF 06-08 PS4/ XxSeraphim13xX
30 yr old US Army vet. 98W from back in the day. PS3. PSN is RemyArnolles. have Lvl 10 Warlock atm... was waiting for disability to come in to get the game, so i'm a bit behind
E-4 active duty submariner. Level 11 hunter on the xbox one GT bYaW_TwstdFate
USMC Vet here. 3533 2x OEF XB1 Gamertag: Mr Punkerton Stuck between hunter and warlock atm. I love the idea of the teleport but The subclasses of hunter are very appealing.
AD USAF c17/c5 crew chief in Europe Playing hunter on xbone Gt= riot phenom
WarJesterUSMC XB1
USAF Active Duty E-5, Afghanistan vet, would love to make some new friends on PSN! Feel free to add me, ReinMaker87.
Edited by xxxGPFOXxxx: 9/13/2014 12:29:08 AMUSAF POL! 9 years and counting. Xbox one! Add me! Gametag: xxxGPFOXxxx
Active duty Captain in the Air Force. Xbox one - lvl 9 Titan knocking out some story mode stuff with the occasional crucible match. Down to join up with some other military members. Gt: ZeroFate0