Just curious how many of us are going to be playing Destiny. 37 year old Army vet here -- former 35 series. Playing as Awoken Warlock. Started a PS4 clan called "House of the Risen" with some fellow student veterans at the University of Arizona if anyone is clanless. PSN name is same as here (jthom999).
Edit: Good to see so many of us on here! I'm not a huge gamer, but I'm going to play the crap out of this one. Don't be too surprised to see my name pop up in your friend requests come September!
Edit: I started an alliance called "Military and Veterans", if we want to align our clans. PM me a link to your clan if you want me to invite you to the alliance. I've been inviting clans to the alliance, but this system isn't exactly intuitive for me, so I don't know if you're seeing what I'm intending on your end.
Edit: Looks like they finally got the Alliance inviting crap squared away. Went back and invited all the mil/vet clans that I could find in this thread to the "Military and Veteran Alliance".
GT:Regan4491 24 Titan, 22 Warlock. XBOX360. Professional player starting a clan/fireteam of skilled hardcore gamers to do weekly challenges, PvP, and raids. Message me if you wanna join or just play one time
Active duty air force Lvl 25 warlock Gt xvaughnx73
Army. Current 35 series. I'll be smashing stuff on PS4 as much as possible.
USN nuke recruit. Ship out in 20140224 hunter lvl 25
Anyone can join TankkSTARS to meet many friends to do STRIKES and RAIDS and story mode missions! No level restrictions just FUN! PSN:tankker37 add me too! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/260907/0/1/0
Army 19d 17 yrs still serving. Level 17 hunter on ps4 killgasm1977
31 year old Iraq veteran was a 12/21b. Lvl 22 warlock on ps4 as Scrapling
Lvl 21 titan 4yr usmc vet
Edited by wickedwhales: 9/16/2014 3:46:54 PM21 Navy Corpsman Lvl 25 hunter Ps4
Edited by UnwrappedChunk1: 9/16/2014 3:41:31 PMI was a 19D Cav Scout and now I'm a lvl 24 Titan lookin for high level raiding and pvp. I'm medically retired after my time in Iraq 03-04 so I am on at random times. I've played almost every call of duty and am usually high ranked but never got into grouping up every since world of Warcraft. I also have a gamer brother who's also interested in the same stuff and a lvl 24 warlock. UnwrappedChunk1 Titan and KineticJtrain03 Warlock. XB1
1Lt 11A Xbox one Lvl 27 Titan
Former Army and a current student at Rutgers University in NJ. Was 13D field artillery. Xone GT is OneWhiteBeard
Marine Vet Was a 2111 Xbox360 currently 26 Warlock hit me up I want to raid Name on Xbox - MrFormeller1990
Jthom999: Retired 37F/68W looking for a PS4 clan to join. I was browsing through the forums and saw your post. I am currently disabled and have a crap load of time on my hands to play this game.
Edited by AmO: 9/16/2014 4:12:56 AMUSMC 2002-Present GySgt O Lvl 24 Warlock
Active Army, Combat Med PS4:Djsen0ne 20 Titan "Put the white in the red I always say!"
Edited by dragonlord1112: 9/16/2014 3:11:15 AM5 years with the USMC from 94-99. E-4 Tel-com repair with 1/7 and 3/11. Gotta love the Stumps. PS4-dragonlord1112 Lvl 22 Warlock
Edited by WolfsBreath: 9/16/2014 2:39:06 AMServed 6 yrs as an 11B. OIF 5 and OEF 9 PS4: WolfsBreath Plenty of time to play when I'm not in class. Would like to join. I'm running as a 24 Hunter.
Edited by PunchyJerBEAR: 9/16/2014 12:16:36 AMUSMC 03-08, looking to game on the xbox1. Hit me up. Would be down to join a group.
Retired 16yr Army cavalry scout. Very active, add me. We can help each other. I play the way I was trained.
E-5 navy active looking for a good active clan on xbox1. 24 hunter GT- jayxgotyaxsucka
USAF active on xbox one gt stretch ix lvl 23 Titan
Us Army 74D/54B OIF6-07 12 years Inactive PS3 sfjmcPicket Lvl 15 Titan Has mic CST time zone
USMC e4 active duty. Play on the xbox one. Lvl 20 exo warlock
Seabee Elite Bu3 looking for Xbox 360 clan. I'm a level 20 Titan
Navy e-3 xboxone lvl 14 Hunter looking to join a group TDK xINFERNOx