Random(rosso approved) thread of randommess era: [spoiler]People always seem to post and then leave and the most things make are 10 posts. I want you to post as much, and as often as possible. I want as many references as you can fit into a sentence or picture as you can[/spoiler]
~The Qwerty Pub~ era: [spoiler]
[quote]Welcome to the Qwerty Pub,
Please, sit down and take a number, bub;
Heroes and Villains, and all sorts of blokes
Contribute to this fire that Qwerty stokes
And just remember: It matter not what flavour your drink,
What matters is how incoherently you think,
And even though some think this thread is getting old,
Each and every post still contains a little bit of comedy gold.
So I welcome you to sit and stir; but mind what your told
Or Bungie will resurrect the ninjas of b.old[/quote][/spoiler]
FIGURED I SHOULD SHOUTOUT TO [i]BioSmiley[/i] SINCE HES IN HERE AS MUCH AS ME LATELY, AND [i]Everybody[/i] 'N' [i]The Necromancer[/i] 'N' [i]Darkarrow[/i]'N' [i]Novice[/i] STOP BY HERE A LOT
0-2000 posts:
[spoiler]Challenge 1:[b]Completed[/b]:We kept a conversation for an entire week!
Challenge 2:[b]Completed[/b]:SPECIAL THANKS TO [i]SANDTRAP[/i] FOR THAT LAST BIT: Get this to 1000
Challenge 3:[b]Completed[/b]:Post a picture of a sloth and type something backwards all while balancing on one foot
Challenge 4: [b]Completed[/b]:By[i] PASSIONATE PORCH[/i] Describe a colour, without saying the name, showing a picture, or mentioning something that is that colour.
Challenge 5:[b]Completed[/b]: by [i]A BIG COWPIE[/i] Give me a good Challenge Idea
Challenge 6:[b]Not Completed[/b]: Get Deej into this :D, made by [i]A BIG COWPIE[/i] (bobcast appeared once to yell at us)
Challenge 7:[b]Completed[/b]: [i]The Suede Uzi[/i], [i]Hazardous Kow[/i], [i]ThePandaMan[/i], & [i]Enclave Soldier[/i] Create a story with someone
Challenge 8:[b]Completed[/b]: By [i]Gaurdian[/i] Find the wierdest picture you can (best is now URL picture)
Challenge 9:[b]Completed[/b]: Best Song?
Challenge 10:[b]Completed[/b]: Gif Friday!
Challenge 11:[b]Completed[/b]: Give me ideas to keep this thread alive
Challenge 12:[b]Completed[/b]: By [i]Scarecrow[/i] : Post your paste. Best was [i]The Suede Uzi[/i]
Challenge 13:[b]Completed[/b]: Come up with a joke
Challenge 14:[b]Completed[/b]: 2k posts (insert [i]Horizon[/i]'s HM here) [i]TheLoneEthaniel[/i][/spoiler]
2000-3000 posts:
[spoiler]Challenge 15:[b]Completed[/b]: Tell a funny story
Challenge 16:[b]Completed[/b]:[i]The Webmaster[/i]: Destiny Loot is 7 year old you
Challenge 17:[b]Completed[/b]: [i]Gary[/i]:Describe your life with a song title
Challenge 18:[b]Completed[/b]: April Fools
Challenge 19:[b]Completed[/b]: A pun-tastic weekend
Challenge 20:[b]Completed[/b]:[i]BioSmiley[/i] [i]NotDarkarrowsalt[/i]: Three Headed Monkey King!
Challenge 21: [b]Completed[/b]: Mother's day is upon us. What have/ are you going to do?
Challenge 22: [b]Completed[/b]: Before mount everest was [i]discovered[/i], what was the tallest mountain in the word? Answer: Mount Everest
Challenge 23:[b]Completed[/b]:[i]Brave Fencer[/i] Make a poem
Challenge 24:[b]Completed[/b]:[i]Sprüngli[/i]:[i]BioSmiley[/i]:[i]TheLoneEthaniel[/i][i]Michael[/i][i]Snow[/i] 3000 posts[/spoiler]
3000-4000 posts
[spoiler]Challenge 25:[b]Completed[/b]: Lets get a new url picture! Post the best picture you got!
Challenge 26:[b]Completed[/b]: Complete Challenge 25 made by [i]DrkSteel[/i]
Challenge 27:[b]Completed[/b]: Give some info on destiny
Challenge 27.5:[b]Completed[/b]:Make a flood related catbug gif? By [i]m1silencer[/i]
Challenge 28:[b]Completed[/b]: Gif Friday 4.0! Post a gif with every post
Challenge 29:[b]Completed[/b]:[i]BioSmiley[/i] Think of a paradox
Challenge 30:[b]Completed[/b]:[i]Qwerty the Great(thats me!)[/i] Dont think of a paradox
Whale of a Challenge:[b][i]Completed[/i][/b]:Guess Space Whales Main
Challenge 31(33):[b]Completed[/b]:[i]BioSmiley[/i],[i]Everybody[/i],[i]Mendicant Bias[/i],[i]Blonic[/i]:Make a ryhme for the Qwerty Pub
Challenge 32(34):[b]Completed[/b]: Get it to 4000!!!!![/spoiler]
4000-5000 posts:
[spoiler]Challenge 35:[b]Completed[/b]:Post Jokes
Challenge 36:[b]Completed[/b]:[i]Ingloriouswho98[/i];[i]Everybody[/i];[u][b][i]Chakas[/i][/b][/u];[i]Darkarrow[/i]: Write a weird short story. Exactly 10 sentences; By [i]BioSmiley[/i]
Challenge 37:[b]Completed[/b]:[i]Boom1616[/i]; talk in rhymes by [i]Ktan Dantaktee[/i]
Challenge 38:[b]Completed[/b]:[i]BioSmiley[/i];[i]Stalwart[/i];[i]Rhynerd[/i];[i]Liberty Prime[/i];[i]Novice[/i];[i]Everybody[/i];[i]Mojo1965[/i];[i]M1Silencer[/i]: type a movie quote with only your knuckles. By [i]Stalwart[/i]
Challenge 39:[b]Completed[/b]:5000 post [i]Thanks to Jake and all of the usual suspects[/i]*insert BannedNumpty in the body here*[/spoiler]
5000-9000 posts:
[spoiler]Challenge 40:[b]Completed[/b]:
[i]DragonSniper3[/i];[i]BioSmiley[/i];[i]IngloriousWho98[/i];[i]Boom1616[/i];[i]Novice[/i];[i]The Necromancer[/i]; Ask a weird question
Challenge 41:[b]Completed[/b]:[i]Dr. Torso 3[/i]; Make Bungieball Comix
Challenge 42:[b]Completed[/b]: Get 7777 posts!
Challenge 43:[b]Completed[/b]: Write a descriptive word for each letter of the main part of yours (or someone else's) username
Challenge 44:[b]Completed[/b]:[i]Addiecorps[/i]:[i]Ariadne81[/i]:[i]Dragon Sniper 3[/i] Take a random object, for example a toaster, and make a deep and profound exclaimation about it.[/spoiler]
Challenge 45:[b]Noto Completo[/b]: First it was randomness, then a pub, now we move to another thing. What do you want it to be?
Challenge 46:[b]Complete[/b]: 10k. Delusor got the final post, apparently its a big deal to him
[b]Public Service Announcement[/b]:
[quote]Party Hard[/quote]
[i]Novice[/i] dug up the first post on this thread:
[quote]Ugh. I can get this thread 100 replies if you want
Oh, we got it to 100 replies alright...
What the frick did you just say about me, you little booger? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Flood, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on #Destiny, and I have over 300 confirmed troll threads. I am trained in trolling warfare and I’m the top troll in the entire Floodian armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another Desticle. I will wipe you the frick out with bait the likes of which has never been seen before on this forum, mark my frickin' words. You think you can get away with saying that stuff over the Flood? Think again, fricker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of trolls across the Flood and your threads are being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your insanity. You’re fricking dead, kid. I can be in any thread, at anytime, and I can troll you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my basic bait. Not only am I extensively trained in trolling, but I have access to the entire trolling guide of the Floodian Army Troll Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable self off the face of the site you little poop. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fricking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you idiot. I will poop fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fricking dead, kiddo.