Trying to look for any brave and worthy guardians to fight in the crucible when the game releases.
FPS player types Striker: (common) K/D: average Objective: game objective (CTF .etc.) Weakness: Campers Campers: (uncommon) K/D: high Objective: cheap brags Weakness: Tacticians Tacticians: (rare) K/D: average - high Objective: destabilize opposing objective Weakness: none Noobs: (common) K/D: low Objective: learning Weakness: all
I once got 11.0 K/D on First Light in Crucible with more than 15 kill streak! That game was very lucky one. I'll upload a video very soon
177. "Bailey, there's a dot in the middle." "Bugger off Dad, these people don't know that."
2.23 K/D in the crucible. Ridiculously high K/D's in everything else.
painfully decent
I'd say across all games 2.0
1.42. 620 kills.
Edited by StiviX: 8/2/2014 5:05:56 AMIt was 2.12 and rising on my Hunter. I derped around too much in my first 20 matches 2.48 on my Titan during the beta by the last match I played.
Edited by Panda: 8/2/2014 4:37:36 AM1.04 (my highest was 8.0) But I consider all k/d ratio's to be taken out of context since they did not put a PvP kill mode on the beta and just Domination. I would recommend people only look at them after when the full game is out (although that will not stop people doing non Kill modes, and camping on modes like CTF).
Look at my profile. Hand Cannon. If I wanted to I could of ran an AR. I don't quit to preserve K/D. However, if you said to me. "I really want to win!" I would make it happen:)
My KD isnt a 2 because the few games I played I had to tone it down a little bit so my friend could get #1 lol (iron banner bounty)
Edited by Spawn: 8/2/2014 4:32:35 AMFinished with a 2.33 overall in crucible. Always playing with friends, can't wait for the full game!
K/D is a joke. A lot of people just boost it or just sit back (not really helping their team) and only worry about getting kills you should look for people you'll enjoy playing the game with.
I honestly don't see why it matters but ok..... 3.03
Why does this even matter? A high K/D doesn't determine a player's skill.
Screw your K/D ratio. The real question will be whats your raid W/L.
I don't play crucible
To embarrassing to mention.
- 2.44 K/D with Warlock : W/L 3.39 with 200 wins. - 2.49 K/D with Hunter : W/L 4.00 with 16 wins. Looking for a few more well rounded players on the PS4.
Varies depending on the team. Good team I do 2+, 0.78~1.4x bad team. Rough estimates though
Only 1.29 though I do have the tendency to focus on capturing objectives and helping teammates clear choked up areas...
As long as it's over 1 I'm happy. Even if it's 1.01