originally posted in:The Royal Guardians
Hey guys! Don't know about you, but all my games are tainted... I can't play any of them with out the habits of Destiny ;-;. I'm sure some of you are experiencing the same thing, so let's have this forum post as a remedy until our meth addiction of Destiny comes back :3
I bought the last of us in hopes it would help the withdraw of destiny, sad to say it didn't, I finished the game and only find myself watching videos of other gamers playing the destiny beta on YouTube :(
Been playing Last of Us but I'm havin Destiny withdrawals haha. Can't wait.
My overall score rank for PS4 was #203. Is it sad that I'm proud of that lol. I was also top 300 in a lot of shit. Gotdayum I didn't realize I played that much.
i missed playing with everyone on here. Sept needs to hurry up!
Been playing skyrim, it's no Destiny but its a good distraction, not even fifa can ease my withdrawal symptoms