I want to purchase a ghost edition of Destiny, but EVERYBODY IS OUT.
[quote]I want to purchase a ghost edition of Destiny, but EVERYBODY IS OUT.[/quote] No here's the low down, there are 100s of the ghost editions on Ebay because places like game stop let's people buy them for 25 bucks down on the preorder, now this guy goes and preorders ten of them then goes to ebay and sells them but what was going to cost you 150 bucks at game stop is now going to cost you from 200 up to 500 bucks on ebay these people are selling shit they don't even own yet and they know being that there is a limited amount that they will eventually sell them probably before the full game even comes out on the market so all they got to do is collect the money, wait for the release and send out the ghost editions to their buyers and in the end they are making 5 or more times the profit. I think there should be a limit on special edition orders and I think special edition preorders should have to be paid in full.