I know the Ghost edition has be crazy, all preorders are gone for good and many of my friends in Asia like Japan doesn't even have a chance at purchasing one. If someone wants it they now have to go to eBay and pay 600$. Can you please make more?
From a poor university student :(
More Ghost Edition! I was broke before, but I can now afford it!
I'll sell you mine for $500. Jk I want mine. Scalpers are a-holes.
I understand that it is limited. But the ghost edition was sold out in a little less then 3 days. It makes hard for alot if people to even get a chance to see one. I myself wouldn't mind if the made a few more and gave people a second chance at it.
No check EBay.
No. Whoever got one, got one. It wouldn't be limited if they released more so everyone has another chance. Leave it as is.
I know it sounds like a jerk to say I hope they don't make more, and I'm sorry you didn't get one, but it's nice to see a limited edition that is actually... You know... Limited.
Patrick Swayze addition comes out in 2015.
The pos scalpers would buy them up just to put them on eBay like a lot already have unfortunately.
All the Ghost editions are sold out and most Limited editions are aswell. Looking for limited editions? Go here: http://www.game.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/HubArticleView?hubId=208291&articleId=208292&catalogId=10201&langId=44&storeId=10151