Smoking a pack a day now. Tried to quit cold turkey and almost Hulk smashed the universe. Tried the e-cig thing and the same thing happened. What's the Flood have to say?
Day 1: Two cigs in five hours. Better than usual. It's been a good day thus far.
Day 1 part 2: Eliminated half a pack today. The cravings are strong in this one. Thanks for the support, Flood. I'll keep the updates coming.
Day 2: Work was a bitch, but only three thus far. When I finish the pack I got yesterday, I'm going to buy a pack after my second job and toss them out the window and laugh.
Shout out to [b]Duh Halo Guy[/b] for the idea.
Day 4 (?): Can't math tonight, but I'm down to 6 cigs each day for the past two days. I've been smoking half a cig at a time, then either tossing it at half, or snuffing it out for later. Tossing $7.50 out of the window wasn't fun, but I've been doing it for years now by buying these damned things.
Get a piece of paper and roll it up. Suck or smoke on that. Worked for my grandmother. Alternatively do it with a $5 bill and if you go through the whole day without smoking, buy yourself a treat. Nothing beats psychological conditioning