I feel its unappropriate that the information about this special event or what have you was given only the day prior to. We all love games and we all love being a part of them. the fact that i'm a part of the beta yet JUST missed out on this "event" enrages me. they should have notified us DAYS before. Nobody likes being a part of something without getting credit. I'm a part of this beta too and this emblem commemorating the beta is credit i deserve as does everyone who has played the beta. I'm really disappointed...This beta is a waste of my time if I test it and get nothing.
Do you follow their Twitter? They post a lot of info to that after or at the same time as they post weekly updates and the like. Also, they had notified everyone on the special event the day the Beta went live. [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Beta-is-Live/en/News/News?aid=11957]Don't believe me? Read it yourself.[/url]