originally posted in:Astral
I made a post about this on the group wall but I felt it would be more seen on the group forum.
When you join Astral, you're only a part of the group until you make it your clan. In order to make it your clan you'll see a button that says to set this group as your clan, you need to click that to officially make it your clan instead of just being in the group. Keep in mind Bungie only allows you to be in one Clan, but several groups. I'm not sure if I explained it well enough but hopefully I did.
[b]On another note:[/b]
Make sure to add each other guys, one of the main goals I hope for this clan to hold is friendliness throughout the clan and to feel comfortable with your clan mates. I wanna make this clan a family, a brotherhood. We're gonna be playing with eachother for a LONG time, so it's best to get aquatinted with eachother as soon as you can. Bungie aspires for Destiny to last 10 years. I made another post for members to post their PSN's, make sure to check it out. Thanks guys.
Having trouble finding the button for it to make my clan but when I add my new account I'll make sure to add it then as well