I've heard both sides of the story about the carry over from the beta to the full release of the game but I haven't seen anything proving either side!
Someone please give me a link to a page, a video or something!
Bungie's engineer Roger Wolfson has already made it clear. “Let’s say Destiny 2 [and] Destiny 3 are out, and we have new players joining the fun. [They] want to play those new games alongside those who have been playing Destiny from the beginning. [We want to ensure] they won’t feel like they’re four years behind. And then, if they want to, they’ll be able to go back and pick up the old content on their same character. So we’ve done a lot of planning for how that’s going to work, to not make people feel like they have years worth of levelling up to do.” What this means, players whom have not played the Beta does not have any disadvantages for having a late start. Hence, you know what this means ;)
I think that now it make sense to pass since the beta its open to everyone.there isnt more the issue of being in advantage...so maybe...but i dont count on it
It's not gonna happen, the proof was in DeeJs post made yesterday under The Iron Banner Returns. Look under news and read the comment. Decide for yourself.
So far the only thing that I see that carries over is what ever Bungie will give the players when they play tomorrow from 2-9pm.
Since it's just not how things are done... Assume it won't be. And then if it is and you wanted it (crazy of you ask me,) then you can be happily surprised
THey haven't decided but as the beta goes on, I'm pretty sure they're going to decide against it. There was already a loot exploit, for example.
They haven't decided yet. By "they", I mean Bungie.