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7/22/2014 3:47:20 PM

Name One Of Your Unpopular Opinions

I don't like Harry Potter.

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  • I'm the most popular person here.

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  • Drugs are cool, and should be tried if you want to.

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  • Edited by Ashed-up: 7/23/2014 7:17:45 PM
    -I -blam!-ing hate cats -I hate the current government of rich higher class idiots that have no connection with most of America -I hate people almost in its entirety. -I hate people that say we are a democracy, we are a republic you dipshit atleast we were. -Halo series was fine, not great but fine for me. -I like the 100 degree weather. It keeps the weak ones inside. -Everyone should have equal rights. Homosexual, trans, straight, gender confused. It really doesn't matter, people are still people. -I hate Israel, they have the right to exist but the current leaders and soldiers on the front lines need to be dealt with. They have been there too long and don't see any that is not Israeli as animals. -I hate people that go to shoot in the desert and leave -blam!-ing trash after shooting. You ruined it for the rest of us. -I hate customers, they never have a -blam!-ing clue what they want and are assholes. -All big business should have their CEOs and rest of the boards that are know for corrupt and environmentally irresponsible dealings skinned alive.

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  • Bioshock is uninteresting. Borderlands is unintersting

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    • The Walking Dead was boring Pulp Fiction was boring

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    • Edited by SausageFingers: 7/23/2014 5:41:50 PM
      The last of us and the walking dead game suck.

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    • Edited by M37h3w3: 7/22/2014 4:54:22 PM
      As an American: Most, if not vast majority of, America and Americans is/are stupid, ignorant, fat, bloated, skill-less, illiterate, vapid, fearful, intolerant, ADHD riddled, war mongering, prideful of their parents accomplishments (while having nothing to brag about themselves,) incapable of tasks that a toddler should be able to do, and all around can and should not be in charge of themselves, much less others. And yet still think that "'MURIKA!" is the "greatest" nation on the planet Earth. We don't even have a democracy/republic anymore. Just an oligarchy run by big businesses, their puppet congress members, and the rich and wealthy, all of which who are intelligent enough to manipulate the system to their benefit to get themselves out of trouble and keep themselves in power. America, compared to the rest of the developed world, is on the -blam!-ing bottom.

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      2 Replies
      • 1) MW3, Halo reach and Halo 4 are good games. 2) American patriots are too obsessed with America. 3) The Hunger Games movies are the worst movies ever made. 4) The fourth Indiana Jones movie is actually pretty good. 5) Star Wars episode II is terrible. (Disclaimer: when I say episode II, it refers to episode V. This is because I try to forget the prequels ever happened.)

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        • Edited by The Everything: 7/22/2014 3:57:46 PM
          The Big Bang Theory is the biggest, warmest pile of shit to ever desecrate my television. In my experience, that one is pretty unpopular.

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            Mine revolves around iran

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          • Edited by Kurismic: 7/23/2014 9:10:28 PM
            Some are unpopular, unthought of, or fall into some other category, but they are opinions I hold. -I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it differs from mine. -I wish Religion was never "created", although I am fine with people being religious, as long as they do not push it on me. -I am an Agnostic Atheist, due to being conscribed to a Catholic Church 7 hours a day for 3 years without my consent. -I believe murderers, rapists, molesters, or any other comparable should be put to death without a chance for other alternatives (Obviously they have to be undoubtedly guilty). -I believe all illicit drugs should be legal but taxed heavily. -Prostitution should be legal. -I believe Welfare or any program like it ( not Social Security or Medicare/Medicaid) should only be offered with proof provided daily by the subscriber that he/she is actively seeking employment. -I believe the US Government should focus almost solely on internal growth and prosperity and not external affairs, except for war-threats. -I believe that Nasa needs a much larger budget. -Space Exploration and colonization should be a priority. -Feminism is a husk of a social movement. -People are too easily offended by everything. -I hate humanity almost entirely. -People whom abuse animals should have the same acts done to them, 3 fold. -The meat industry should euthanize the crop animals through injection, just like at a veterinarian office. -The US Government needs to be completely rebuilt. -Investment in New Energy sources needs to increase drastically. -Corporations should not be seen as a single entity and should not be able to be bailed out. -The two party political system is supremely flawed and needs to be replaced. -Gay people should be allowed to be joined legally with the same benefits as marriage and should be seen as equal. Same with everyone else. -Sex Ed should be taught at age 5 and sex should be rejoiced, not covered up by our society. -Abortion and Suicide are fine. -Doctor Assisted Suicide should be allowed. -Medicine Trials should be performed on prisoners-for-life, even if that means giving them a disease. -Prisons should have forced manual labor and lower qualities of living compared to now. -Mentally Incapacitated People should be provided excellent care. -College should not cost as much as it does now. -Conservation of Wildlife should increase. -Organs should be grown from clones without a form of sentience. -Everyone in The Westborough Baptist Church needs to be burned alive. That's it for now I guess. I know its only supposed to be one, but I couldn't care less. [spoiler]Longest list in this thread so far...#getrekt[/spoiler]

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            4 Replies
            • American patriots are the most arrogant people on the planet in my opinion.

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            • The Matrix and Inception are mediocre films.

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            • Legend Of Zelda is overrated as shit.

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              • I hate the movie White Chicks.

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                • I think the Hunger games sucks. And the movies are just Average.

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                • Edited by Hurpderpington: 7/22/2014 4:21:30 PM
                  I want israel to keep firing missiles at gaza. keeps things interesting

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                  • I try to be vegetarian

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                  • Jesus is a homosexual

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                  • I don't like phones.

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                  • bump

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                    • F*ck the queen

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                    • Chocolate is gross.

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