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Clan Recruitment

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Edited by Kevin: 7/22/2014 3:58:25 AM

The Dancers of Destiny (Recruiting)

[i]When victory is near, we will come. When defeat is imminent, we will come. Whether you want us to or not, we will come. We are Guardians who will stand before your enemies ... and DANCE![/i] Fellow Guardian, you did not arrive here by your own will. It was fate--no, it was [i]destiny[/i] that brought you here! You are a Guardian who did not fall against the Fallen, who turned on a light when the Darkness came, and stayed when the Traveler left. When you awoke, although you might not be Awoken, you explored and defeated enemies. As the ship headed to the Tower, you thought your purpose was limited to guns and abilities. At the Tower, your attention was not on the epic scenery or the other Guardians roaming about; your attention was caught by a Guardian (or two) moving their body in absurd directions. That is when you knew, and I knew when you knew, and now you know that I knew that you knew that you are ... a Dancer of Destiny. Join up! Or don't. Be warned, you must be prepared to dance in any given situation. Syncro dancing is a bonus.

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