[url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/21/obama-gay-rights_n_5605482.html]Link to story here[/url]
I'm glad that this happened seeing as a person's sexual orientation or gender doesn't usually impact their performance. It's aimed at federal contractors, just so people don't jump the gun and say that all private companies are now at risk of Obama's tyranny, or whatever the flavor of the month is.
There is no religious exemption in here, which coming from a practicing Catholic that's open-minded, is a good thing. This counter to workplace discrimination was a promise Obama made before he became a president and seeing as Congress (Specifically, House of Reps.) is so adamant about pretty much anything that Obama tries to do, this is a good executive order.
I thought this was a thing already. I'm actually kinda surprised that we didn't have this until now