Personally, I'd get a little sad remembering all the times my and my brothers played Mario party, Toy Story, and even when I soloed my way through Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. They're a good company, but reusing successful franchises won't help much longer much to my dismay.
Edited by aBallisticToucan: 7/20/2014 8:59:55 PMYes I would, but they won't. 0% chance. All of the doomsayers are forgetting, [spoiler] [url=]-The massive, [i]massive[/i] amount of money Nintendo has.[/url] [url=]-The fact that Nintendo has had consoles in the past that sold much worse than the Wii U, while Nintendo still wasn't as big as it is today.[/url] -The Wii U's largest area of failure is in the 'hardcore gaming' atmosphere. You need to remember that Nintendo's marketing is just as big in Japan, where things like Xbox and Call of Duty aren't nearly as much of a threat. -Nintendo's still doing great with its fans in all other areas. There are just as many fandomish teenagers that love Nintendo as there are MLG Call of Duty boys. Also, Nintendo isn't a "magical 90s brand" that kids aren't growing up with today. -Nintendo's games are pretty iconic. You have to remember that they're still making money off of [url=]endorsements[/url] before even taking game sales into the equation.[/spoiler] I don't support Nintendo over anyone else or even own a Wii U. It's just pretty obvious that Nintendo's not on its knees like people seem to think it is.