Hey there, my names Deikhan, and allow me to thank you already for checking out this post!
You see, I am a part of the "Couch Potato GAMers", as you can probably tell by the name. We are a clan, and a pretty laid back and casual one at that.
Now I've seen a lot of misconceptions such as "Casual clans are meant for those who aren't good", and let me just say that this statement is false. We are a large group of gamers (300+ members) that play a lot of games, and play them to win. We know that if you play with people you have fun with, you'll grow as a player without the need of "weekly practice".
We are a humble clan that is easy to access, and rewarding to be a part in. If any of this sounds like something you want to be in, feel free to check out our Bungie group: [url]http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/64810[/url] and our official site: [url]http://www.couchpotatogamers.org/joingam[/url]
Thanks again for your time! ^__^ -Deikhan
It's crazy hearing you guys talk about this clan like it's so great....lol. I know I am glad to have met and played with each of you and happy to provide the home for people who game like I do... To those who are still looking for a gamer home everything they are saying is true...check it out. Casual enough to have fun, serious enough to compete...you may find us at the top and bottoms of leader boards but you will always find us standing together!