It is kind of a "sub-genre"
True, that's all just a big blob I call EDM though. I don't got time to be correct.
"We's ain't got no time for that them there political correctness"
Digity dawg, you hit the head on da nail with that one! I think Imma go shoot sum deer!
Duuu eeeet. Dens we can go en get sum stuff n things
Sum stuff n things? I leik da sound of that!
But watch out for Kuurrl, Mom is kill because of stuff n things
Damn Kurl, hez alwayz mesin' up stuff n things.
Alwehys nut stayen en teh burn, kurl
Feckin kurl, I hur he dus stuph to da cows...
Indeeeeeeeeeebrainseeed *am zombie*
*Squeals like little girl* Get away! *Runs out of window*
*you trip over your own shoelaces*
I've become a zombie me! D: