I already preordered the game before the collectors editions were announced. It seems that the only way I can get them now is if I preoder again, and I cant get the other stuff alone? Frankly it'd be cheaper to just cancel my preorder and do it again than buy the expansions seperatly but would that affect the beta? Please help.
I'm in simmilar same situation to you. I preordered the standard edition from Amazon.co.uk back in June before the collectors' editions were announced. I received a beta key immediately after placing the order and redeemed it on the Bungie website. I now want to buy the limited edition instead, but since there is no way to upgrade your order via Amazon, I've just gone ahead and placed a separate order for the limited edition. I plan to cancel my standard edition order as soon as Amazon send me a new beta code for my new order, but they haven't done so yet. It's a bit annoying. I'm holding off from cancelling my standard edition as I don't want to risk affecting my beta access.