This thread is long overdue. Because Bungie abandoned it's ORIGINAL fans a long time ago.
Over what? Some money? It's a blatant betrayal to those that literally supported this company at the beginning.
Where's our compensation? Am I right?
Apple users unite!!
Now you know how Mac gamers feel. It did originally came from Macintosh or PC xD
I agree! Destiny should be for the iPad Air!
I lolled. Hope someday they release another marathon game.
I do miss Marathon...
I have PS4 and xb1 but I prefer xbox classic and the 360 over PS4 cause it just a pile of boring shit
honestly, all these tears puts me in a trolling mood.
Good times. Good times. And yet there will be another 1000 threads about Xbox owners being upset over nothing. I do miss playing Marathon on my Power Macintosh.
Xbox users are afraid of the truth!