Looking at buying my first real car at the end of year, taking advantage of sales of older models to make room for new ones. This'll be the car I move across the country and start my post-college life with, so not some Craigslist beater for two grand. One of the only features I'm really keen on is a hatchback; I like to dive, bike, hike, etc., and having easy access to gear is really useful. Preferably a 4-door, though I'm not really picky about that.
I know next to nothing about cars, but I know there are plenty on here that do. Hook a turkey up, Flood. Budget is around $15,000.
There's plenty of gen 2 Mazda 3 hatches laying around dealerships, the new body style just came out so you can find a good deal on the last ones. Get the 2012 Hatchback with the Skyactiv engine and manual transmission. Make sure it's a touring edition or higher spec. /thread. Source: Owner of [url=http://i1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc387/Epsilon584/20140706_193359.jpg?t=1404693437]this[/url] 2012 Mazda 3 Skyactiv Touring sedan.