Looking at buying my first real car at the end of year, taking advantage of sales of older models to make room for new ones. This'll be the car I move across the country and start my post-college life with, so not some Craigslist beater for two grand. One of the only features I'm really keen on is a hatchback; I like to dive, bike, hike, etc., and having easy access to gear is really useful. Preferably a 4-door, though I'm not really picky about that.
I know next to nothing about cars, but I know there are plenty on here that do. Hook a turkey up, Flood. Budget is around $15,000.
Ford Focus ST, Golf GTI, '14 WRX or STi, or Mazda Speed 3. Those are the more well known "Hot Hatches" if you want to have fun in the car you're driving.