It's not fair that the dance moves in the game do not appeal to the majority of young people. They should make an option to choose how you want to dance and an option to twerk and drop it low. The Female Characters Are Not Sexualized enough And This will turn away many True male gamers. Many people here will never see a girl up close, or ever have contact with a female who is even remotely attractive and it is wrong to deny them their fantasy when it is all that keeps them sane. Also, in the summer there should be events where you can get a special seasonal rare item: the bikini. So if you have a female char, you can wear a bikini that just re skins your current armor so you don't lose any stats. I think it would be more realistic and interesting that way.
Maybe some micro transaction goodness is in order and make it so these things can be purchased if one so chooses. Unless cat ears get implemented or tail attachments and high heel boots, this is the least bungie can do.
Also, please people just remember if you drink your coffee with cream, please add some sugar. Coffee with straight cream and no sugar is disgusting and it should be banned. I hate seeing people do it.
Need some funky chicken dance moves...
You got one thing right cat ears and tail everything else gtfo and the coffee double gtfo
Yeah those dance moves sound great, but I think priority needs to be given to "The Stanky Leg".
Coffee should be nerfed to black. Hate people running around with their coffee all full of sugar and cream, and I have black coffee. Too OP.
Are these the qualities you look for in games? Wow
Cream and sugar? Don't tell me how to live my life i have my own preferences for my hot beverages and i don't need you trying to impose your will onto me. Oh and btw, you're a creepy dude wanting to get your rocks off from a video game, why should we listen to you?
dude, think of the rating on the game........ TEEN.....Nuff said, if it was M like mass effect 3, think of those clubs but destiny style LOL
Twerking? I want to do the robot, or the electric slide. Ooh, chicken dance.
Hmmmm sexualizing women more just what this society needs is more women and girls sexualized as objects
Edited by IamPluto: 7/20/2014 11:03:42 PMI'm actually insulted as a male who has a female character. She's no a Sloot. Lol
Haha there would b a lot of sticky controllers
Although this is a joke, I would kinda like to put cat ears or bunny ears on my Titan so I can jump and say boing while my bunny ears flop around.
I was looking for #satire
Bump. Just a for making me laugh. Good stuff!
FINALLY A legit post. Twerk is necessary. 110% agree
this was a great! i wish my hunter could twerk and drop it like its hot hahahaha
Well that went unexpected. Here I went, thinking oh god. Another feminist. And then boom. XD
This totally made my day. Love seeing people so completely oblivious that they can't recognise satire when they see it. The social commentary that underlies this thread makes me grin ear to ear. I salute you sir.
I thought you were legit after the first sentence. And then I read your second. You're going to hell for this
That troll came from the moon!
I agere wit you totes man those girl have no curves I cant even c dem they shud make them big n busted like real life girls do ans shakes it like they hott and let u chose wat kins of dances an underwere tthey have on under ther armer and do selfys for there camra when the lights go low it get down and dirty up on the moon maybe w/ some sexy aliens gurls would be neet mabye [spoiler][/spoiler]
What the hell are you on about most of the time it is a first person shooter and but the dancing idea is a pretty good one
This man is a genius!
Lmao a nobody getting this as a joke..