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Edited by oh ver driive: 7/4/2014 10:52:07 PM

Gametypes leaked; no CTF; gametype descriptions inside!





Don't care about ctf

146 So the pvp gametypes showed up in the Destiny companion app. We seem to be missing a very important game type but first I'll touch on the ones shown so you know what they are since they have their own names Skirmish - standard variety pack of gametypes, probably multiple fire teams aka multi - team halo gametype or just random objective games. Control - standard domination/hardpoint/territories. Each team will spawn at either A or C and both teams will fight over B. You can mix it up and control A and C or all three points but controlling B typically gives your team the win. Lockdown - sounds like king of the hill. Probably a moving point you need to "lockdown" Team- obvious team slayer Rumble - ffa, again, obvious ------------------------------- Tl; dr [And my point/question] Should CTF be added?? No ctf? Wtf?

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