Seriously guys when I watched the Star Wars prequels I thought they were pretty good. Why does everybody hate them?
y U no gET bacK to teh post on der Plinkett vids we told yoo about?
is star wars 7 before or after????
Cuz dhey the sux.
Edited by Batman: 7/3/2014 2:02:55 PMbecause they really do suck
I like 1-3, I didn't cringe as much in 4-6 when they would have some dramatic scene or try to seem cool. The intro in 6 was cringey, he was a douche.
Watched them Plinkett videos, yet?
Oh and let's not forget they killed off the most interesting character in the first one. Seriously they killed Darth Maul and then brought in Count Chocula who IMO is the lamest villain ever.
Horrible acting the only one I liked was Episode 3 and that was because of the action. Still had shitty acting. "Anakin you're breaking my heart." Are you kidding me?
Watch mr plinketts reviews of them,is the perfect explanation for why they suck.
Because they really do suck. Watch Plinkett's review of Episode III for a taste and explanation of the atrocity that is the Star Wars prequels.
They are pretty bad. Although the third one wasn't as bad as the first two in my opinion.
Dont worry, i dont like SW at all.
Watch Plinkett's review.
Lol, they sucked major dịck compared to the original trilogy
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Bcuz [spoiler]  [/spoiler]