Hey everybody! So E3 is over, the Alpha is finished, and the Beta is weeks away. Since I neither went to E3 nor played the Alpha, I feel a little bit left out on the experience. So here we go...
-To Alpha-players: what was your favorite moment while playing? Which class/race did you choose? What was your favorite/least favorite part of the build that Bungie had? What could be improved?
-To "Video-watchers": What was your most memorable moment from a lifestream/posting/etc. that you saw (links to it would be nice, too, if possible)? Which class/race would YOU like to be when you get the chance to play? Are you planning on doing the Beta?
Other questions could be added, but these are some of the ones on the top of my head.
Go at it guys!
My favorite moments of the Alpha: Exploring this brave new world. Seeing the dangers and the hidden treasures. Fighting my way through dungeons with a team. Completing missions given to me by the people of the tower. Also destroying and being destroyed in PVP. Taking all on with a nova bomb or sneaking a melee and stealing stealing energy.