derp... derp... derp...
Plasma refresh rate is 600Hz.
Samsung PN60F8500 conrtrast ratio is 55,779:1
Plasma is being phased out due to sales figures. Not for any of the things you just made up. Go to ANY TV review site and ALL will ind plasma better then LED.
derp... derp... derp...
Kid... you are trying to sound smart, when its clear you are a total BS'er. QUit while you are behind.
For that 1.8k price tag you can find many better LED TVs than that. Notice how even in the description it says it can "rival" LEDs.
"better" is a matter of preference. I prefer deep inky blacks and contrast to color pop and brightness. Motion has a more natural smoothness than the 120 and 240 emulation.LED based TV can't touch this models picture quality. Input lag could be better, but its good enough for what I do. Until OLED's come down, this is one of the best IMO.