originally posted in:Destiny
So, just straight up pre-ordered Destiny for Xbox 360, and I can safely say I am psyched for The game to come out. I read alot about the game, and It just looks radical. What with campaign and the multiplayer racing, ohh I just get chills. Only worry is that It doesnt end up being a bust game. Cant wait!!!
anyone who would put there answer as "I hate bungie and need to get a life." has no soul
Umm you need to put a 'all of the above' option.
We are almost there!
I have a 360 but I bought a PS4 just for this game as I felt it was the superior machine for the job I even up graded the PS4s Hard drive to a bigger faster model just to get the best Destiny experience I can so yes I am very hyped for this game been waiting a year now it's just a few months away can't wait :-D
I have a PS4 to enjoy the best of this game. Hope everybody else can enjoy it too, whatever system they have.
A fellow 360 player