[i]The most popular meme on the Flood was "do a barrel roll!!!"
Yoozel was the most hated mod.
Recon wasn't even cool.
JAVA2 was the only professing homosexual.
We made fun of the Halo 2 forum.
Private Groups were cool.
You got banned for using any variation of the word "noob".
Spam got you banned.
Flaming got you banned.
Religious/political topics got locked.
The Ninjas ruled with an iron fist.
The Ninjas had they're own private group, and if you tried to join you were perma'd (might still be around).[/i]
RIP 2006.
Post your own "back in my day" the first year you joined the Flood.
Back when your movies wet actually good?
Back in my day, people made Machinimas that didn't suck, private groups were better than the main forums, and Zanzibar was the annoying Halo sausagefest.
In my day we blamed Stosh for everything
[i]Huh ahhh, back in my day, This place used to be called The Flood, where everybody blamed Stosh. And the newest post was at the bottom. We didn't have any of these flim-flammery sub threads. And the only way to reply to someone was to quote them. We didn't have any of these doo-hickey notofycashuns, so you had to look real hard if you was havin' a conversation. There were also hot and even pinned topics, one of which was a spooks creepypasta one that was as long as the eye could see. This place wasn't so dark at the time, neither. We actually had color, which was the style at the time.. They were wonderful days, and I give anything just to visit them one last time.[/i]
Edited by abba61: 6/24/2014 2:01:57 AMBack in my day... Wait a shit... *checks my join date* IT'S STILL MY DAY BITCHES
[i]We didn't have any fancy schmancy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks and a rock for the whole platoon! And we had to share the rock![/i]
[i]Back in my day Lonepaul was at large and everyone still moaned about the update![/i]
hmmm M'aiq didn't know 2006 was one year ago
In 2006 I was too busy with Runescape and playing outside to even know what Bungie was
Back in my day, the Reach forum was our #Destiny. Private groups were relevant and were fun to hang around in. And coup had backgrounds.
Back in my day...ah who am I kidding, I joined in 2010 for the Reach nameplate.
Do a barrel roll!
That sounds awesome
Is recon cool now?
Ah the days of religious posts getting locked. Those were wonderful.
back in my day mods would ban you for attention whoring rip 2011(i had an earlier account in case your wondering)
Joined during the Reach days. I recall the Reach forums being atrocious.
Was better
But you couldn't post images with kittens back then!
Disembodied Soul would send you a PM on why you got banned.