Oh okay, that was hurting my ears.
What did you say? My right ear is messed up all of a sudden
Oh, no neesd yell; not cool man, not cool
Oh, I thought you were going deaf.
Nho, iz em gouinhgh incoherent
Botched lobotomy?
Yea; For future reference, dont use Dr. Pepper. That guy is a terrible surgeon!
And a big liar, he's not actually a doctor.
I didnt know that!
Now you do! Too bad you didn't know that when he was drilling into your brain.
Now I have a head ache
Huh, that's weird for someone with no brains.
I have a brain, its just seperated from each half. I have two halves, rather then one.
Hmmmm, delicious.
Im just going to.....ba.back....back away slowly now.....
Oh come on, a little taste won't hurt.
Novice please
It'll be fffiiiiiinnneeee.
I dun thunk su
Come over here, you're going incoherent. Let me help you.
Im out, fo sho *disappears*
Awwww booo, I was so close.
*reappears* Close only counts in horseshoes *disappears*
*whispers* Douchebag.