Just face it, you can't hope to stand against based Stannis.
Notlobs, Bannisters, TargAryans, lame ass pirates who take themselves too seriously, Wildlings and White Walkers gonna get BTFO!
[spoiler]Bend the knee or be destroyed.
By the pimphand of stannis the mannis.[/spoiler]
Jon Snow for king! Kidding, I don't know who should be kind, but it really should NOT be Stannis. Under him, after defeating the Whitewalkers, assuming he can, he would probably go on a religious holy war against the Faith and the Old Gods, when for thousands of years, there has been religious tolerance in the 7 Kingdoms, and as we all know, Rhollor isn't very tolerant of anything, you know, assuming he's real in the GoT universe. Idk, Stannis may have the legal justification to rule, maybe, but he certainly doesn't have the moral justification to rule.